A successful election is important to a smooth transition for a PTA from year to year. All members are invited and encouraged to get involved in this important process. Nominating Committees are elected by the membership, never "formed" or appointed.
Electing the Nominating Committee
- Adhere to your PTA's bylaws when electing the committee members and alternates.
- Any member of your PTA may be nominated and elected, excluding the current president (and president-elect if applicable).
- No one automatically serves as a committee member or alternate because of their position or title, including the principal.
Nominating Committee Duties
The nominating committee is responsible for recruiting the best-qualified PTA executive board candidates for members to approve by affirmative vote at the election meeting.
The Parliamentarian shall schedule the first nominating committee meeting and provide to the committee the required information on the nomination and election process. From there, the nominating committee shall:
- Sign the nominating committee confidentiality agreement before any discussion takes place;
- elect a chair;
- consider only candidates who meet eligibility requirements set forth by the bylaws and who have signified their consent to serve if elected;
- consider all nominations and seek additional candidates, if necessary, during its deliberations; and
- by majority vote of committee members present and voting, submit only one name for each position to be filled.
Nominating Committee Meeting: The meeting may be conducted if a majority of the committee is present. (If a committee member cannot attend the meeting, notify the alternate. In the event that another committee meeting is called, that alternate member will continue to serve on the committee and the original member does not return).
Officer Candidate Qualifications
Review the executive board article of your PTA bylaws to determine the composition, eligibility, duties and number of officers that must be recruited. One nominee should be recruited for each office. In the event the nominating committee cannot recruit a nominee, candidates for that office may be nominated from the floor at the election meeting.
Suggested Qualifications:
- Knowledgeable about and adheres to the Vision, Mission, Purposes and basic policies of PTA.
- Willing to attend continuing training for PTA.
- Prior experience in either PTA or other organizational work.
- Is ethical and has a sense of justice and fairness.
- Exhibits enthusiasm for PTA.
- Willing to make PTA a high priority in his or her schedule.
The Nominating Committee Report and Election Meeting
- The nominating committee shall prepare a written report, signed by all committee members who agree with the report. The report shall be published through regular publicity channels at least seven days before the election meeting and read at the election meeting. The nominating committee shall dissolve upon completion of the report.
- When the report is published, consider including information on the role of the nominating committee and informing members that nominations from the floor will be accepted at the election meeting.
- A nominating committee member who does not sign the report can nominate candidates from the floor at the election meeting.
- Officers shall be elected by ballot at the election meeting. If there is only one nominee for an office, election for that position may be by acclamation.
- Pre-arrange for someone to “move” and “second” to destroy ballot votes if election is by ballot.
Nominating Committee Guidelines
Texas PTA Leadership Competencies
Election Scripts:
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