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A financial reconciliation is a review of a PTA's records to ensure that the governing documents are followed and that income and expenditures conform with the approved budget. The appointed committee follows the Financial Reconciliation Checklist and Report. Additional information can be found in the Basics Treasurer Resource Guide.

A financial reconciliation is required at the end of the fiscal year. The review shall also be performed:

Committee information and discussions are confidential; therefore, meetings should be conducted in a private location and only include appointed committee members. The committee may contact the outgoing treasurer and outgoing president for any clarification required, all findings should remain confidential until the report is delivered. All members of the committee should sign a confidentiality agreement.

Financial Reconciliation Committees

Preparing for the Financial Reconciliation

The outgoing treasurer presents the following financial records to be reviewed by the committee:

The outgoing secretary presents the following records to be reviewed by the committee:

During the Financial Reconciliation

Reporting the Results

Issues with the PTA's Records

If the Financial Reconciliation Committee finds issues with the PTA's records, perform the following steps:

Watch SPOTLIGHTS Financial Reconciliation video here