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Leadership Development


Welcome to Texas PTAs’ leadership development hub! We've polled PTA leaders from across the state to determine where their leadership development interests lie. The resources found below are the results.

Dive into our certification program, Full Circle Leadership, to learn more about Texas PTA's essential leadership competencies or start small with our Extra Credit offerings. 

New webinars, courses, and resources are added regularly. Keep an eye on this page for updates!


Full Circle Leadership

Full Circle Leadership LogoFull Circle Leadership is Texas PTA’s very own leadership development certification program. Looking at the mission, vision, and values of PTA from all angles, the portrait of a PTA leader was born. By focusing on the five key areas of technical, intrapersonal, forward-thinking, interpersonal, and adaptive skills, Texas PTA leaders are able to enhance their skills to become even more successful and effective.

Full Circle is based on Texas PTAs Leadership Competencies. Learn more about the competencies here

Access the Program


Extra Credit

Extra Credit Transparent LogoA resource library for all PTA leaders! Extra Credit trainings, just like extra credit assignments in a classroom, help take the ordinary to EXTRAordinary.

Extra Credit sessions are quick leadership development “off-the-shelf” courses available to you when you need them. Each session offers tips and tricks for all of our PTA leaders to add to their toolkits. Additional sessions are continually under consideration. Don’t see what you are looking for? Share your idea with the Texas PTA VP Leadership.  


Advocacy & Activism | Cómo Hacer Oír Tu Voz

Building Relationships | Construir Relaciones

Committees CAN work | Los Comités Pueden Funcionar

Delegation is Key | La Clave es Delegar

Effective Communication | Comunicación

Ins & Outs of Volunteers | Entradas y Salidas de Voluntarias

Leading vs Managing | Liderar vs Administrar 

Managing Conflict | Manejo de Conflictos

Mentoring & Coaching | El Rol de Mentoring y Coaching

Motivation | Motivación

Public Speaking | El Poder Detrás del Micrófono

Time Management | Manejo de Tiempo