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Fentanyl, a synthetic opioid up to 50 times stronger than heroin, has contributed to adolescent overdose deaths nearly tripling from 2019-2021. Victims, including young tweens, are fatally overdosing on one pill, having no idea that fentanyl was laced in what they took. And sadly, no community has been free from the effects of this crisis. 

This important discussion aims to grow the community of educated and empowered parents and students who know what fentanyl is, how to prevent accidental dosing, and how to recognize and respond to an overdose.

Texas PTA hosted a panel of experts to discuss the fentanyl crisis and how it's impacting our children and communities. We encourage PTA leaders to use the resources below to host an event in their own communities.
If you have questions, please reach out to us at

This live discussion was hosted in partnership with Livegy and Operation 360.

Meet the Fentanyl Panelists

Ryan Vaughn - Texas Against Fentanyl

Ryan Vaughn is a board member for Texas Against Fentanyl. He became an outspoken advocate after his 16-year-old daughter, a student at Plano High School, died after taking a single pill from a friend she didn't realize was laced with fentanyl. He is passionate about educating other parents and student to stop the cycle of tragic loss.

Tyson Hodges - Operation 360

Tyson Hodges is a special agent and 27-year veteran of the DEA. He’s been at the heart of nearly every major effort, alongside state and local law enforcement, to combat the fentanyl epidemic in central Texas. Recently, Mr. Hodges formed Operation 360 to join forces with schools, community groups, health professionals, and law enforcement, further the fight against fentanyl’s spread, and support the families impacted.

Jarrod Gilstrap

Jarrod Gilstrap has spent decades serving the Dallas area through his work as an Overdose Response Team Coordinator, paramedic, and social support with Dallas Fire-Rescue Department. His passion and heart lie with the people in his community and working tirelessly to keep them safe and healthy.

Cynthia Pursley - Livegy

Cynthia Pursley is the founder and president of Livegy, a nonprofit fighting the opioid epidemic by providing Naloxone to schools and public venues, and educating on the dangers of fentanyl. A graduate of Boston University, Ms. Pursley has combined her 30 years working in the healthcare industry with her personal experiences and passion for ending the opioid epidemic to save lives.


If you have questions, please reach out to us at